I had a pastor in the Unity
church some years ago who every now and then would get fired up at the
crescendo of his Sunday message and he would bolt to the edge of the stage,
reach out his hand beseechingly to the congregation and implore, “Stop being
That seems to be the theme of the
day as we toddle lamb-like out of March and into April. Here in Indiana we have had front row seats
to the bumbling machinations of our statehouse and our governor as they first
try to throw it in the face of progressive and free-thinking elitists everywhere
who want to give equal rights to EVERYBODY.
Then they stumble over each other trying to explain to the rest of the
nation and the world that our new law is not about legalizing discrimination
against the LGBT community and others.
The governor, who has aspirations
for higher office, assembled some of the most heinous of gay-haters to watch
him sign the bill into law, and they just clapped and clapped and clapped. Now they had a law to protect religion in
Indiana. Thing is, religion doesn’t need
any protection in Indiana, of all places.
In Indiana we have a church on every corner and we proudly attend the institution
of our choice every Sunday and sometimes even on Wednesday. Religion is doing just fine; no protection
Now I want to go into a rant
about what Jesus would do, but that’s not what this blog is for. I want to find the meaning and the purpose
for what looks like the last gasp of the “religious right” after they have
gotten everything they want, and they have gorged themselves on power in this
state, and still they are not satiated, and they want to thrust a big middle
finger into the faces of the free-thinkers around the rest of the country to
say, “See, we can live in the last millennium and the last century if we want;
if not the previous century or the century before that.”
This is what we are about on the
last day of March, coming into the profound energies of April and its
springtime. Driving toward Bloomington
this morning I was greeted by bright yellow daffodils nodding their sun-kissed
heads at me like the masses who waived palm fronds at the triumphant Jesus
riding into Jerusalem on a donkey. The
energies of April promise a physical manifestation of the continuing shift from
the old paradigm to the new one, and the Blood Moon of the 4th is
just one more daffodil along the road, one more palm frond along the path that
ushers in the new age. My mantra for
this time is from scripture: “Old things
are passed away, behold all things have become new”.
Those who hold to the constructs
of the past, like our governor and our congress, are going down on the Titanic
while they busily rearrange the deck chairs.
They need to wake up and begin to make themselves relevant. The reaction from other states and
corporations has forced them to truly have a “come to Jesus” moment. I can see Jesus holding out his hand to them,
imploring: “Stop being stupid”.
It bears noting that many
traditional Christians are noticing the coming of the Blood Moon as coinciding
with some end-times scripture, and wondering if this wouldn’t be an ideal time
for the second coming of Christ and/or
the rapture. I can only say yes, it
would be a great time. For myself I see
the emergence of the Fifth Age and the new paradigm as being completely in sync
with the prophecies of the Christian Bible.
I am mindful of the dear ones who have died this past year; and I
imagine they have been called home (raptured?) so they can work for the rest of
us from the other side. With this Blood
Moon, I see that everything has been accomplished for our movement into the
Reign of Christ Consciousness on Earth. The Bible doesn’t claim that this
transition will be entirely peaceful. We
are in the birthing process, and it can get messy. And it is all complicated by those who
doggedly hang onto the old ways.
The Easter season reminds us that
we and the culture and the time . . . cannot be reborn unless something
significant dies. During this time,
notice what needs to fall away in your own life, so you can step into the
excitement of being a spirit, fully enjoying its brief time in a body, and
ushering in the new paradigm. There are
no coincidences; you were born at this critical point in time for a reason.
Website: http://earthschoolforsouls.com/
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