Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Stranger

You were not sent here to live in a cage!

I am in the mood for introspection and to be retrospect on this dark autumnal morning as we sit waiting for the first blast of an arctic cold front to lock us into winter for the foreseeable future.  Two weeks until Thanksgiving and we have held off the winter with warm sunny days and little or no attention to coats and antifreeze and boots and other accouterments of the coming season.

So it is time to pay attention to what we have been paying no attention; like the man behind the curtain or the face of the dark hooded stranger who has been sitting at my table all year.  I don’t know why this has been my time for facing my own mortality, but this truth has been pestering me since last spring and it is time I finished, time I knew in my bones what he has been voicelessly speaking to me.

I stepped free from my astrological “Saturn Return” when I transitioned from the cocoon of Sedona to the then foreign landscape of the Midwest a year ago.  Some say that if you don’t shuffle off the planet during your Saturn Return, you are destined for long life.  That thought doesn’t stir me either way though I am forced to look at how the fear of death keeps creeping into my awareness and stands as a primary obstacle for some to step fully into their own soul-purpose with a sense of freedom and happiness.

My father was a pastor and I attended my share of funerals before I faced his death before I was even a teenager.  So I grew up thinking I was steeled against the fear of death from which so many others seemed to suffer, because I had been exposed to so much death and saw that it was not such a big deal.  I have also lived my whole life like this physical interlude is a brief part of a much larger soul symphony.  This was not just the result of a “belief”; it has been an abiding sense that provides a foundation of support and well-being when times are tough.

I admit I have been triggered by the unexpected and untimely passing of some dear friends this year.  I have no trepidation about their welfare, but I feel shortchanged for being deprived of their earthly company; I thought we would have more time here to visit, to laugh and to cry.  So that interaction is now postponed to some other time in some other dimension and I have no way of knowing if it will the same; in fact I think it won’t be the same.

I am convinced that “fear of death” is the primal fear that keeps many of us from living a full and fruitful life.  Have you ever stopped yourself from embracing meaningful work for yourself because instead you had to make a living, or pay your bills, or raise your family in a certain way?  Have you ever cheated yourself of a soul-expanding experience because the outcome was unknowable or you couldn’t trust the Universe to sustain you the way she feeds and clothes the lilies of the field? 

Usually the ones who show up for my workshops are ones who are ready to face their fears, to face the unknown if they haven’t settled into a pattern of self-discovery already.  That is what you truly risk:  catching a glimpse of your true self somewhere in the depths of the shaman’s cave.  That is the hidden face of the cloaked stranger at my table:  myself.  And why should I be so afraid to admit the truth of my being?  Isn’t it the truth that I am a spirit who has temporary residence in this body?  If I honestly embrace this truth, what will I have to give up that I think I don’t want to lose?

What will I have to give up?  That’s what we really fear.  We have become so comfortable with this false reality and wearing this false face that it feels like we will lose everything.  And don’t your know, it is all about allowing for the possibility of losing everything . . . that leads to gaining the rewards of being a soul-being.  I recommend you say it out loud:  “I don’t care if I lose everything; I will risk everything to learn the truth about myself.”

Some of the things you might lose, include:  your petty fears and your major fears, your anxiety and dis-ease, your childish jealousy and envy, your awareness of other’s faults, you might lose some of the habitual physical discomfort that accompanies the belief that you are a body, you might lose the will to keep score when it comes to those you imagine have wronged you.

You might lose the resistance to let go and let yourself slide into the vast ocean of existence.  You have been afraid of losing yourself in that seeming emptiness, when that is truly your home and the Universe is longing to welcome you home, and no you don’t have to die in order to embrace this way of being.  Yes, you live in a golden cage and it is finely decorated and well-appointed and you keep yourself busy admiring the new couch and the reclaimed claw foot tub and you ignore that IT IS STILL JUST A CAGE!  And you were not sent here to live in a cage.

Aside from the ones who show up to my workshops who have been or want to conquer their fear, I often wonder about the ones who never show up at all.  It is not about me and my “scary” journey workshops; they have stopped showing up for anything that challenges their comfy assumptions and their limiting beliefs, or their “god-in-a-box”.  They are right to be afraid.  Stepping into the unknown could alter everything you believe to be true, and you have to face this stranger eye-to-eye before you can ever be free.


Save the date!  Plan ahead to join us on December 21st for our annual observance and celebration of the Winter Solstice and the Christ Mass.  earthschoolforsouls.com

Thursday, October 9, 2014


I can’t believe we all crawled through that narrow birth opening in the Cliffside over Boynton Canyon so we could enter the Shaman’s Cave.  How did it feel to sit in the dirt with Brad and Star Wolf and enjoy this space between time and eternity?  It felt like heaven.

I savor every memory of my time with Brad Collins, and they come back to me now, in torrents:  meetings at the Earth Faire grocery in Asheville and then going for Indian food downtown, because the wife didn’t really like Indian food and he loved it; riding in his pickup to the men’s group in Black Mountain; and how the best part of that time was the going to and the coming back in the truck.  That was when I really got the lesson about how we are drawn to dysfunctional relationships because they “feel like home”.  It was a single sentence, uttered in the warm cab of a pickup truck, traveling through a cold dark night . . . and it changed me forever.

I remember trying to futilely air up the flat tire on a golf cart with a “fix-a-flat” I found at the Dollar store.  Then there was hooking up the generator to the sound system after that powerful thunderstorm that knocked out the electric, so everybody could journey even if we couldn't shower.

I recall his embrace after I did my bit at the Wise Wolf Council when he said, “You done good – the whole thing has shifted.”  Then later when he and all the men laid their hands on me to acknowledge my ordination.  I must have seen him present the teaching on “Inner Beloved” three or four times and it never got old; he was so sincere as he talked about his own journey toward appreciating his perfect essential self and his flawed human self.  I guess I needed to hear that multiple times.  Now I often repeat his story about how the angels gather when we do breathwork; and how that sharing moved me to try to see his wings and yours, and I could.

He facilitated the process group after my “soul-retrieval” journey at Isis Cove.  He knew that something important had happened for me and he had John Livingston stand in as my angel guide so I could commune directly with him; I laughed and I cried, and so did he.  He was not afraid to cry and he wore his feelings on his sleeve.  We talked many times about the challenge of creating a new masculine aspect for the New Earth.  He embodied that, and he inspires me to move forward with teaching balance in how a man walks on the planet and how the sacred marriage between our masculine and feminine nature is the key.

I loved to make Brad laugh and he was such a willing audience.  He told me how he had to confront a neighbor one year who was firing his gun over the Wise Wolf Council.  I told him to remember next time to be sure to wear his “Drumming for Jesus” tee-shirt, and he said he would do that.

I can see how every inch of Isis Cove has Brad’s imprint on it.  He savored “community” and he built this one with love and humility.  If Star Wolf has been the “light” of this partnership, Brad Collins has been the “heat”.  His is not the part that was so brilliantly visual; his is the part that provides the conditions for the light to shine brighter.  He has a peaceful, quiet power that is no less commanding because it receives less attention.  How gratifying is it to see how many really did always see the truth of Brad; it is a tribute to this community.  We are like those blue creatures in the movie Avatar, we look into each other’s eyes and say “I see you.”

We have grown accustomed to seeing them:  Brad and Star Wolf, as if they are one person.  How many times have you said those two names as if they were one?  And I knew it would make me sad to see her, Star Wolf, without him, Brad, by her side.  Yet I knew she would be accompanied by her soul family.  And to take his place it takes many of us.  So we stand up and stand in and hold space for Brad and now I might really know what that means.  Because we do this in exchange for all the times Brad held space for us.  Like the Christ, he has given of his essential self to all of us and we have taken that in so the communion is complete.  Now we follow his example and we pass it forward.  You are in my heart, now and forever.  God speed, Brad Collins.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

No Boyz Allowed!

It’s a pet peeve, and it likely springs from my early childhood wounding of being excluded from the play-group comprised of the three sisters with whom I was raised.  It’s not as annoying to me as it used to be, but I still notice “you women” who gather surreptitiously and fail to send me an invitation.  I also sincerely understand why you do it and I support you with only limited reservations.

And I can’t complain too much, because I have noticed for decades that it is women who unfailingly take the lead in showing up for gatherings that foster spiritual development and awakening.  And as the often solitary male voice in the room I have called on women to bring their men along.

Today I notice that the old habit of forming all-male or all-female groups is a symptom, an effect, of a larger problem.  The problem is a lack of balance in our culture and in our world that threatens to destroy us all.  You could look at any of the large problems in the world today and find where the absence of the healing and comforting energy of the “feminine” is the root cause of the conflict.  The clearest example is the movement of the ISIS jihadists in Syria and Iraq who subjugate, control, and abuse women in the most egregious ways.

These guys represent the most extreme “kick-back” to the emerging “new paradigm”.  They imagine they face their own destruction if they don’t act on their extreme and mutually destructive world-view.  In truth they do face their own destruction.  They are one piece of the construct which must fall away in order for the new world to be born.  But it is only their thoughts that have to die.  They are faced with the directive, “Shift or Die!”  But they imagine the mere ideas they hold about God and mankind are so sacred, they would rather die.

This may represent the most extreme manifestation of the “war on women” we have heard about.  But they rest on one end of a continuum of human beings (men and women) who are desperate to control or kill the influence of feminine energy in our social structures and institutions.  The efforts of knuckle-dragging throw-backs in Congress to control and limit the reproductive freedom of women is just a watered down version of the same compulsion to keep women in their place and to exert male dominance.

What else do we have?  The insane stand-off in Ukraine and the unconscionable slaughter in Gaza.  All these example are of MEN clinging to their lowest evolutionary vibration without the calming influence of the feminine to soften their ham-handed behavior.

Yes, I understand why sometimes you just want to gather with your own gender.  But what is needed today is not a surrender to the feminine but a blending.  What will work is women and men standing together and bringing sanity and wisdom and a new kind of strength that will shift us all into a new vibration.  There is an element (just sayin….) of the old paradigm, in women huddling together and keeping men out of their circles.  At one time that was absolutely necessary, but now in this culture, at this time I challenge women to be more inclusive and to “check in” to see if this or that gathering really needs to be a women-only gathering . . . or a human’s gathering.

Remember that the outer world is a reflection of the inner world.  Every little thing we do either contributes to the awakening of the collective . . . or it doesn’t.


Here are some links to some current articles on the topic.  The extreme need to heal this ancient wounding is at a tipping point and we need to be mindful in all our pursuits.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Prosperity Theology on the New Earth

I have had my fill of a certain movement in the spiritual community (Bloomington and elsewhere) around the idea of manifesting material wealth.  Some of the ideas fostered by the “law of attraction” gurus have become dangerously subverted to nothing better than the old paradigm – health and wealth evangelists who preach that God wants you to be rich and if you are not wealthy (in material terms) you do not understand the “secret”.
If that is your thing, you may be a spiritual novice who gets distracted by the first shiny thing they encounter along this path.  Or you may be a long time seeker experiencing a bout of “spiritual by-pass” where your ego is now having an awakening experience and your soul-self has become hopelessly buried by your unhealed wounding.
Yes the Universe is honorable.  Yes the Universe is pouring out abundance on you if you will only open yourself to receive it.  No, the abundance does not look like the egocentric ideas you hold onto about material wealth. Yes, you get what you deserve.  But your car, your bank account, your job, your house, and your mate will never make you happy.  
The masters were not mistaken when they told us over and over that focusing on the material will keep us out of heaven.  Heaven is code for peace, happiness, and enlightenment. Yeshua reminds us to put our attention onto things that are eternal, and all the little incidentals of this material world be added unto you.  In other words, “Don’t sweat the details; they will worry about themselves.”  Instead, look up . . . up-level your attention and your consciousness and allow the blessings to flow to you.
When we glimpse our own awakening we realize that none of the trappings of our limited 3rd dimensional dogma around abundance has any value.  It is just stuff; it is here today and gone tomorrow, and it will never provide nourishment to your soul. 
The truth is, getting everything you believe you want (or deserve) will likely keep you from awakening.  Your ego does not want you to awaken because it fears its own destruction, so if it can - it will give you everything your wounded inner-child thinks it needs.  This is an example of the most immature aspect of your egoic-self, making your most important adult life-decisions.  
The ego wants you focus your attention on the outer-directed world and that represents one of the most alluring distractions for the spiritual novice.  There you may rest in that place of sleeping and ethereal dreams for decades before the Universe comes around and finally kicks you in the ass.  (I know this from experience.)  Unlike me, the Universe is patient, but I want you to wake up NOW!
The time is short for you to accept your soul-purpose.  It is time for you to graduate.  It is time for you to grow up and have a taste of solid food.  Yes you are a child of God, but you are an ADULT child of God, and it’s time you acted like one. 
If you think you are ready for some big-boy food, try a bite of this:  The secret is, it’s all about self-knowledge.   Your only access to the divine is within you so you cannot “by-pass” your soul by focusing on the manifestation of anything in the outer world.  It is time to go inward and to take an unflinching look at yourself.  For many, there is nothing scarier. 
And I guarantee that after you have peeled away some of those layers of fear that are attached to cars, and houses, and jobs, and bank accounts, and mates . . . You will find some treasure that makes all this earthly wealth look like just so much crap. (To put it delicately.)

Monday, June 9, 2014


“Words reduce reality to something the human mind can grasp, which isn’t very much.”  Eckhart Tolle

I received that quote in my email yesterday as I tried to make sense and find meaning in the unexpected passing of my friend, Cheryll.  That is what we do as humans; try to make sense of things; try to set things in order in our minds so that the Universe is not so scary.  I know how silly it is to try to fathom the mysteries with something as futile as words, but here I go again:

I knew Cheryll nearly forty years ago when we were both students at Indiana University.  My fondest memory is her driving me through the country in her little red Triumph Spitfire with the top down, on our way to some simple adventure.  Both of us were light and free; both of us with our long hair blowing in wind.  My sister found a photo of the three of us:  she and me with our arms around each other and the car as background.  Proof of our youth and beauty.

Now, as a minister I feel like I am supposed to be on top of these things; literally looking at it from above, a little detached and wise.  But in this case, I’m in the thick of it; diving into the sadness and the sorrow, letting it wash over me like the crashing waves of the ocean.  And I’m feeling a little guilty that there are others who are more profoundly affected:  her parents, her brothers, her husband, her son and her young daughter.  When I think of them and their loss I am even more sad and sorry for myself.

All I know is that Cheryll is fine.  Spirit belongs to spirit, and her soul will find its way back to Godess.  It was her spirit after all that attracted me to her as it was with many of you who gathered for her memorial.  And there is evidence that she and I had a deep soul connection just as she did with many of you.  We did not keep in touch, but whenever we did get together it was as if no time had passed; we knew each other like those creatures in the movie Avatar, when they look at the other and say, “I see you.”

Cheryll’s human journey was but a short piece of her soul journey, and wherever she is now, she is continuing on that journey.  And we are left to make sense of her passing (or not) and to gain strength and wisdom somehow from this sorrowful event.  We are all better because of knowing her.  We have had more joy and more laughter in our lives just from knowing her.  Then we are given this bigger piece of learning; to find the nugget of truth in the midst of all the sadness.

Because we are all essentially spirit beings, we can still commune with her.  I have felt closer to Cheryll over the last few days than I have in years.  She is with us now and she lives in us; in our hearts and in our memories.  And for her son and daughter, she literally lives on, and they will write the next chapters in the book of Cheryll.

It has been said that sorrow carves us deep so that we can hold more joy.  We are living in the age of paradox.  We step down so we can rise up.  We go deep within in order to experience that sense of being out-of-body.  And now we experience deep loss so we can compare it to the abundance the Universe is pouring out on us.  We experience our sadness fully so it can stand as a dark canvas behind a vibrant, joyful painting.

So why did this “disturbance in the force” trigger me so much?  Cheryll has not been taken away from me; in a way we are closer than ever.  I think I was given another layer of my own personal wounding to heal.  I have worked on this particular piece before and if I thought I was finished with it, now I know I wasn't.  

Maybe I never let myself mourn deeply enough for the others who left me behind.  I let myself go pretty deep this time.  The point is to get it and to move forward.  We will not allow ourselves to become addicted to suffering.  I can see how easy that would be.  Still, before we move on we will be sure to cry all our tears.  It is important to allow our process to be complete, and not shortened by ego thoughts that say “you should be done with this by now”. 

The time is ripe for us to go deep.  This is up for all of us, and it is important. I am guided to point out that these energies which we may find at once piercing and painful, are a call for us to remember the sacredness of all our connections.  We need to remember how dearly we hold our bonds with our family-of-origin as well as our soul-family.  It is a good day to tell someone how much you love them.


I might mention that Cheryll loved it that I chose a Cat Stevens song for the inspiration for the title of my blog.  There was an abundance of Cat Stevens music at her memorial, and that made me smile.  We are all still "on the road to find out".

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Even if we are advanced souls, sometimes we need to come back to basics.  One of my favorite stories is about retired Coach John Wooden who would start his “blue chip” basketball recruits every year with learning how to put on their socks and properly lace their shoes.  This would be the top rated players in the country coming to play for UCLA back when they had few peers. 

And the players felt abused and insulted, unless they could get beyond their ego to remember that there is an “all-at-once” aspect to mastery of anything that includes recalling everything you have come to know so far.

No matter how high we imagine our vibration to be, we still need that sense of “all-at-once-ness” where we remember all the little steps that brought us to this nexus.  And from this vista, if we see clearly, we realize there is another higher mountain top on the other side of the coming valley.  And that ascent will require some of those tools and some of that learning we have come to take for granted.

So we remember to breathe.  We remember to be still.  We remember to quiet the mind.  We remember to be aware of our own proficiency in deluding ourselves.  The Christian Bible talks about Jesus going into the wilderness after his baptism (rebirth) where he had to contend with his “adversary”.  It is important to note that there is no external devil that is more proficient at pulling you off course than your own ego.  If you think you are immune to the influence of the ego . . . well that is probably the ego talking.

Our journey would be much lighter if all we had to dispel was an external devil.  It is the inner one, the “adversary” who presents our larger challenge because we cannot separate ourselves from that, with the power of our mind, because it is our mind.  We have to make peace with that aspect of ourselves; we cannot defeat it by fighting against it.  That is what Jesus learned in the wilderness, and that is what made him ready to teach and present himself as an example of mastery.  The Bible story is a template for our own journey back to Oneness.

We need to remember that our Awakening does not make us “special”.  It does not separate us from the masses of souls who are NOT on an awakening path.  This type of awareness might feel counterintuitive because of the ways in which we have become entrained.  In the past, when we were initiated into the mysteries, some of us believed we were separate and apart because of our unique training and experience.  But the true master learns that with advanced gifts come advanced duties, and our connection with all of creation (from the rock to the tree to the bum on the street) is enhanced and we are born to service; not to basking in the glow of enlightenment.

At this time we need to exercise our discernment as we wade through the market place full of false teachers and pretenders.  Even more, you need to guard against the false teacher in yourself.  When in doubt, return again to the fountain of peace and knowing that is ever available to you when you touch your heart-center and remember your connection to divinity.  And don't forget to tie your shoes.


John Berry Deakyne and the Earth School for Souls have brought their practice from Sedona, Arizona to the heartland of the Midwest at this important opening in time.  It is an experiment.  At this time we do not know if we will take root and grow here.  But we are all here on purpose, so we encourage you to make contact while the time is ripe!

Our next round of Shamanic Breathwork is a full-day retreat on Saturday, May 17, 2014, at the Wild Grace Homestead in Brown County, IN.  This day is discounted to just $50 a person and overnight lodging is available.  More information and registration at:  http://earthschoolforsouls.com/events/shift/

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


No, it’s not just about death, but death is a really important part of this season, and this opening, and this springtime energy in which we are swimming.  And after a wonderful full-day workshop on shadow and soul-retrieval last weekend, I must admit that we have only scratched the surface.  There is so much more to say and so much more to be revealed. 

This time and space is then given a bigger jolt by today’s Full Moon and its accompanying Total Lunar Eclipse.  The full moon beckons us to step into the fullness of our newest and most powerful imagining of ourselves; to step up; to grow up; to take responsibility; to stop whining and moaning and take charge of our lives.  The eclipse is a mirror of our own complete transformation – something really has to die this time; we’re not messing around.  And something really vital and exciting (and a little scary) is being reborn in your life.

This new thing that is coming to life for you . . . you know what it is.  It is like a mighty sword that is lying there on the ground . . . it has been gifted to you by the almighty . . . and you can pick it up, or you can turn your back and walk away. 

If you are paying attention, you are feeling the energetic swirl of this energy.  Some are in fear of what will show on the wide screen of the collective:  More death?  More destruction?  More subjugation of the weak and the poor? 

One of our participants had a vision this weekend that feels important to share.  She saw all of creation being trampled and eaten up by some ominous shadow army.  It made me think of the Lillian Hellman play called The Little Foxes where we are told there are folks who eat up the earth and there are folks who stand by and watch them.  Sometimes I think it ain’t right to just stand around and watch.

Then my friend saw an enormous army of angels massing to stand against the destructive forces.  And they didn’t fight; they just stood against the others and their presence served to heal what had been damaged.  That is right where we come in.  We can send more angels into the fray.  We can be some of those angels.  I mentioned (in passing) this weekend that we are all just fallen angels anyway, so this work is a part of our redemption. 

We did contribute to the dark thought-forms that threaten the very survival of the human experiment; so now we contribute to the purging and the reconstruction as we take our rightful place as sons and daughters of the divine light, and keepers (stewards) of creation.


Join us for our May Retreat when we dive deep into the mysteries to embrace a radical transformation; a metamorphosis; a remembering of our highest and most vibrant nature:  http://earthschoolforsouls.com/events/shift/

Friday, March 7, 2014

Birthday Blog – The Promise of Spring

I began the tradition of writing a Birthday Blog on the occasion of my first birthday after relocating to Sedona to do some intense “inner work”.  It’s become a sort of “state of the union” event, trusting that (although our paths are separate and distinct) what is true for me is also true for much of the collective, you.

During that first year in Sedona, I started hearing about how everything in creation is accelerating and expanding, and we could feel the truth in our bones, sometimes with ecstasy and sometimes with aching pain.  That was five years ago and since then I have lived many life-times.  I have been sharing with friends, that after nine months in Sedona I would walk past a mirror and not know who the other person was, looking back at me. 

We have chosen to embrace rather than to resist the energy of acceleration and expansion, even though much of the planet is in the death-throes of resistance and clinging to the past.  And so our awakening has been rapid.  I have seen novices come into our spiritual circles and shortly morph into masters; it is a wonder to behold.  

It is not a coincidence that on the occasion of my leaving Sedona for the Midwest, Indiana hosts the coldest and snowiest winter on record.  And that has been just for me; I truly don’t know what the rest of you have been experiencing.  The winter has forced me to go in and slow down.  At a time when I have been anxious to do more in this vital spiritual community, I have been called to wait and see.  It is not just the weather; I regularly draw the “slowing down” card from the Osho oracle and it makes me laugh, “If I slow down anymore, I’ll have to stop my heart.”

And yes I know it is still cold and there is still some snow and the ground, and we have not had our last flurry.  But I have heard the thunder and understood the promise that the earth makes every time it falls into dormancy.  We are waking up; we are coming back to ourselves. 

I repeatedly tell folks that the Shamanic Path is mostly about “paying attention”.  So now we notice the shift, like a change in atmospheric pressure that precedes the storm.  Already, it is time to plant seeds and make plans.  That “planning” word is something I normally avoid, but now we approach it with wisdom.  This time, it is more about allowing than about forcing. 

You should notice more and more opportunities for movement and motion as the outer world mirrors the inner one.  Our physical motion creates an attitude of movement (change) in our work, our relationships, and our personal and spiritual expansion.

Now we see the openings and we walk right through without hesitation or self-doubt.  That is the attitude of the spring-time of our lives.  Every time I glance at a digital clock it seems it is either 11:11 in the morning or 11:11 at night.  My friends are also seeing the “ones” lining up on the odometers and elsewhere.  If we are paying attention, a single “one” is a promise of rebirth; but when they line up for you, that energy is multiplied so we are talking about extreme (radical) transformation. 

And my best advice for you is, “Let yourself be startled by the divine.  Let go of limiting ideas and beliefs, and ride that superwave like you know how.  Soon enough, it will become second nature to you.

I have been in consultation with many of you this week and I am excited about some of the opportunities for spiritual growth and awakening that are being birthed for the benefit of our soul family.  Blessings to you all and “Happy Birthday to Me”, I am born again.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Creating Your Masterwork

Your living of this life is your great Masterwork.  You are an artist and every step on your life’s journey is a brush stroke, whether small or large, whether smooth or broken.

As a writer and writing coach, I am often stymied and blocked by not knowing which project to pursue or what topic to pull out of an overflowing bowl; it is sometimes hard to know what deserves my attention, my time, and my labor.  It is exactly the same with the story of your life that you are writing at every moment.  Have you chosen the right path?  Is your daily striving in sync with your soul’s purpose?  How much of your energy do you expend just spinning and swirling?

Many of us get seriously stuck trying to make something right just because we have already invested so much time and thought into the venture, such as a job or a relationship that does not nurture us.  I had produced a sizable amount of written work when I managed to get myself fixated on a project that absolutely shut me down creatively.  My writing block lasted about twenty years because I was so focused on an idea that kept me from doing what was next for my creative expression.  I do now see that being stuck for twenty years was a part of my soul-journey, so I do not regret the experience.  Today, I know how to recognize this trap if it shows up on my path.  If any of us ever choose being stuck over being free, it is because there is often something comfortable and familiar about those stuck-points, or fearful about seeking a change in our circumstances.

Now, when you step out of this lifetime and look at the painting you have created or the book you have written, what does it look like?  Did you put all your attention on one little corner of the canvas and leave the rest blank?  Did you write a brilliant introduction and never get to the meat of your dissertation?  When you look at the sum total of your creative output (all your lives) do you notice a trend toward mastery?

Lately I have noticed that many of us who were trained in traditional Christianity have a very poor understanding of the notion of eternity.  We were told about eternity mainly to scare us into joining the cult-of-belief where we would spend “eternity” in either heaven or hell.  Any belief is just an idea that somebody made up.  Your participation in someone else’s idea is just a choice to remain limited and stuck. 

Even though this truth is “biblical” we were not told that eternity moves both ways.  In truth it moves “every” way.  Our soul-life does not begin with this lifetime.  Eternity is like God; it has no beginning (in time) and no end.  So if we live forward eternally, we also live backward eternally.  In breathwork, I repeatedly witness the journeyer reliving the existential moment of creation; when their soul (not their body) was born.  It almost always involves a feeling of peace from resting in the darkness and the “nothing-ness” and then experiencing the energy shift toward light and motion.

We hold the memory of every lifetime in our blood and our bones; some say within our DNA.  And we are part of a great energetic grid that extends in every direction so we can step into that space in our meditation, in our dreaming, in our trance journey and pull up any memory from any time.  You have unlimited access to that great artistic library.

If this life is your masterpiece, what will you do next?  Even if we move forward with halting steps, we have employed motion and light from the beginning, and so we call on you now for direction and inspiration.